Events & Meetings

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This is a conference call meeting.  Only members in good standing are allowed to attend this meeting.  All of those members in good standing will receive an invitiation one week prior to the meeting as well as a reminder the day of the meeting.  Minutes for meeting will be posted to website once the Secretary/Treasurer completes them.

Our Bi-Annual Membership Meeting will be held on December 6, 2014, at 1pm, at Skeeter's Bar and Grill located at 197 Tegarden Road, Gulfport, MS.Our speaker will be James Halliday, who currently has a private practice as an attorney.  He previously was a private investigator and Certified Fraud Examiner.  He has a wealth of information and experience to offer us and I look forward to hearing from him.We will also hear from our past President, Richard Brooks on the importance of Licensure in the State of Mississippi and the benefits that it will provide to us.We also have a tentative speaker

We will be having a next Bi-Annual Membership Meeting at Skeeters Bar and Grill Poolhall located at 197 Tegarden Rd, Gulfport, MS 39507 at 1pm.  We will be meeting in the meeting room to the right once you walk in through the front door.  We are having Ernie Chaffin of Allstate  Insurance in Biloxi, MS, speak regarding the importance of having liability insurance.  Members and visitors will be responsible for purchasing their own meals at this meeting.The easiest way to locate Skeeters and to come down Lorraine/Cowan Road from I-10, heading South.  You then can either turn right on Pass Roa

Here is an article that appeared in the Sun Herald in the Your Life section on December 4, 2011, regarding the MPIA and its upcoming meeting scheduled for December 17, 2011.  Please read it to see what President, Richard Brooks and Vice President, Joe Gillis had to say regarding the MPIA and life as an entrenpreneur.



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