August 17, 2019 Meeting Minutes
Meeting took place August 17, 201 at Quality Inn on Highway 4 Gulfport, MS Meeting was called to order by President, Nancy Buckley Bonn. Opening prayer led by Nancy Buckley Bonn. Pledge to the Flag led by Jim Buckley.Awards Outstanding Service and Contributions to MPIA were presented to retiring member, J.R. Gillis, Jim Buckley, and Richard Brooks.New members were introduced.Special speaker, Jim Cody discussed his book, The 14th Denial and the 14th Amendment. Mr. Cody shared with the membership his years and experience as a Deputy Sheriff in Floriday. He did a book signing at the close of the meeting.Nancy Bonn announced that Sandra Baur had given her resignation as Secretary Treasurer because of personal responsibilies that are requiring more of her time. Nancy Bonn recommended Robin Keyes to fill the two year position vacated by Secretary Treasurer, Sandra Baur. Robin Keyes accepted the nomination. Motion was seconded by Darrell Crawford. All approved.Jim Buckley nominated Nancy Bonn for President. Nancy Bonn accepted the nomination. Motion was seconded by Darrell Crawford. All approved.Old Business. Treasurers report was read by Nancy Bonn. Mac Cowand made motion to approve. Motion was seconded by Richard Brooks. All approved.New business was to investigate PI publications for MPIA to advertise in. Agreed that findings to be discussed at next meeting.Mac Cowandmade motion for meeting to adjourn. Tom Thomas seconded the motion.Meeting was adjourned at 2:30pm.